This post offers 11 evergreen page topics and 10 blog topics that business law attorneys can write about on their law firm websites, along with information about how to get the most out of each proposed topic. [11-minute read]
The realm of business law extends into a number of other legal fields, including (but not limited to) personal injury defense, tax law, and real estate.
This translates to a near-limitless number of ways for business attorneys to address their potential clients and referral sources with law firm website content, which can vary widely depending on each firm’s preferred area of focus and the geographic region where they practice.
The topic suggestions covered in this post can be interpreted and refined many different ways to appeal the specific types of potential clients your business law firm wants to target.
When adding content to your law firm website, remember to link to other relevant pages on your site using a strategic internal linking structure.
Evergreen Business Law Page Topics
The evergreen pages of your site should cover information that is likely to remain static over the long term. This includes general information about your practice area and the laws relevant to it. Evergreen pages should be linked to from within your site’s main navigational structure, making it easy for your website visitors to navigate between those pages to find the information that is most interesting and relevant to them.
Blog posts, on the other hand, should not have their own links in your site’s main navigation. Blog posts should be used to cover timely content, or content that will otherwise have a shorter shelf life than the material offered on your site’s evergreen pages.
After you’ve added some basic information about the laws governing your practice area to your site’s evergreen pages, drill down into specific information for each section by focusing on long tail search phrases that your potential clients or referral sources are likely to enter into search engines about those topics. In general, you will likely want to focus on fleshing out the evergreen pages of your site before transitioning to an aggressive blogging strategy.
The content of this blog post is not a complete list of topics that could be covered on your law firm website. However, the suggestions included here may prove helpful to your site’s online visibility for relevant search queries.
Comparisons to DIY sites — Increasingly, business attorneys are being forced to compete with Do-It-Yourself (DIY) entities. Provide direct comparisons between the services you offer and those offered by such DIYs on your site.
Get more granular — Write frankly about DIY services you cover and avoid the temptation to be hyperbolic in this content (using words like “never” or demonizing such services in ways that may seem aggressive to your potential clients). Test the services out for yourself, identify pain points during the process and write content that addresses those pain points directly while using language that your potential clients might use when searching for information on those points.
Industry and business-specific information — Write content that addresses specific businesses and industries that your firm would like to attract.
Get more granular — Write information that targets businesses and industries that overlap with the services your firm provides. If you aim to help small businesses open in your community, for instance, write content specific to starting a laundromat, a restaurant, a retail store, etc.
If you hope to cover patents and intellectual property, write specifically about patent developments in technology, healthcare, education, etc. As you write content, keep in mind the matters that you’d prefer to focus on.
Department-specific information — Business law matters can extend to companies in general, as well as to specific employees of those companies from the top down. Gear certain pieces of content to specific divisions such as human resources, finance, marketing, and sales departments.
Get more granular — Division information can be incorporated into almost every detailed law section of your site. When writing about business mergers, for instance, you might start with basic information about that process, then expand to offer information on how mergers are likely to affect each relevant department, as well as the potential legal ramifications of those processes.
Information specific to various business roles and positions — Stakeholders might search for information related to their role in a company, so consider offering information on your site (for the matters your firm would like to accept) that are relevant to specific roles such as partners, managers, or executives.
Get more granular — For each type of matter your firm handles, drill down in the role and responsibility these stakeholders may have in that matter. For example, could a partner be liable in a breach of contract dispute, and what steps should the partner take if a dispute arises?
Focus on your specialty — Is there something that you do exceptionally well that cannot be handled by in-house counsel, a big firm, or any generic business attorney? Drill down into those areas of specialty and explain to your potential clients what sets you apart from your competition.
Get more granular — Provide information about how your firm can offer specific insight into certain legal matters even if your potential clients might already have other representation. Outlining why you are the best attorney to handle certain legal matters can increase the chances that you are hired as outside counsel for matters that may otherwise have been left to in-house attorneys or sourced to a big firm.
Follow the story of a single business’ journey — Use your law firm website content to follow the story of a business from formation, to building revenue and managing capital, to hiring employees, then merging with other businesses, establishing a line of succession, and ending with acquisition and/or dissolution.
Get more granular — You can play the long-term game and work on developing lasting relationships with your business clients by focusing your content on the formation process early on. Allow your firm and its archive of online content to grow along with those business clients by adding content that reflects your legal expertise at each stage of the process.
Relate your business law content to the other areas of law in which you specialize — Demonstrate your unique skill set, knowledge, and expertise by offering information about how your other areas of focus might come into play for various legal matters.
Get more granular — Business law matters could potentially overlap with estate planning, real estate, natural resources and the environment, taxes, and other areas of the law. Provide a glimpse as to how your firm can help mitigate difficulties in these areas which may not come naturally to other lawyers.
Locally specific info geared toward your potential clients — As a business attorney, your practice might serve clients from across the country. Still, those potential clients are likely to search for information about their legal matters using local terminology. Write to the location of your potential clients rather than the geographic location of your practice where appropriate.
Get more granular — If you are looking for clients in the tech field, gear your content to address businesses and tech employees in the Silicon Valley area, then research other tech-centric cities and regions that you can directly address on your site. If you are looking for clients near where you live and work, write information that is relevant and specific to the largest employers and industries in your community.
Information on relevant governmental agencies — Provide links to relevant resources such as government websites, reporting agencies, and regulatory processes.
Get more granular — Offer explanatory information about what your potential clients can expect to gain from the resources you provide in this content, as well as how to navigate those resources, and information on implementing common processes like filing annual reports, taxes, etc.
Expand to include information specific to businesses of different sizes — Include information about how each matter covered in law firm website’s content might apply specifically to businesses of different sizes.
Get more granular — Your firm might start by covering how matters pertain specifically to small businesses across all of the content on its website. Once that process is complete, you can expand your content offerings to explain the same matters and processes to medium and then large businesses, allowing your firm room to grow in the long run along with its content.
Potential penalties and consequences — Along with information about the processes for specific filings and other legal matters, provide your potential clients with information about potential penalties and consequences associated with failing to complete those processes correctly or missing relevant deadlines for specific processes and filings.
Get more granular — In addition to discussing the potential consequences associated with mistakes and mishaps in specific business processes, consider offering tips, timelines, and planning documents to help potential clients avoid those issues.
Potential Business Law Blog Topics
Policy and law changes — When government agencies adjust their policies, laws, or taxation protocols in ways that are likely to affect all or some of your potential clients, it is a good idea to cover those changes and their potential effects on your blog.
DIY gone wrong — Illustrate to potential clients the dangers of relying on DIY legal resources in lieu of consulting with an actual attorney by outlining cases in which it has gone wrong in the past, as well as other potentially unforeseen issues in the DIY legal process.
Demographic trends and statistics — Changes in the makeup of the population can have serious effects on your potential clients’ businesses. A surge in retirement by aging baby boomers or an influx of millennial hires in a particular industry may be of interest to potential clients and could prove beneficial to your blog.
High-profile lawsuits and case studies — Report on high-profile decisions and case studies that illustrate how an attorney can help resolve particular matters favorably, how those decisions may affect your potential clients, and/or how failing to hire an attorney could hurt potential clients.
Common business concerns and questions — Offer information for business owners about timelines, milestones, and goals for operating a business. Such information could include how to prepare for retirement, common profit margins in specific industries, costs of startup, etc.
Novel or unusual business types and structures — Some of your potential clients may not realize that their business could benefit from a less common business structure like employee ownership or a co-op structure. Others may be looking for information specifically about such organization. Offer case studies and industry-specific information associated with such topics on your blog and illustrate the depth of your knowledge in that area to build trust with potential clients.
Industry-specific developments — If you are targeting a specific industry or industries with your business law practice, cover major developments in those industries on your blog and offer insights as to the potential legal ramifications of those developments.
Conferences, workshops, and resources — Discuss events and resources that could be of interest to your potential clients on your blog, as well as developments and key points that your potential clients could expect to get from those sources if they are unable to attend or access the relevant information themselves.
Business tips — Offer tips, planning, and management advice to business owners to show your potential clients that you are knowledgeable and helpful with regard to matters associated with their specific industries.
Common mistakes — Provide lists of mistakes commonly made by business owners that can be easily avoided with the help of an attorney. Such content serves the dual purpose of informing your potential clients about possible unforeseen obstacles while illustrating your competence and expertise in these areas.
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