
A Quick, Easy Content Creation Idea For Lawyers

In this video blog post I share a quick and easy way that attorneys can use video, talk about what they already know and talk with clients about regularly, and create content that is more effective than any content that a marketing agency could create for them in short order. To create this post I used:

  • A black sheet as a backdrop
  • Light from the window
  • A Logitech 4k webcam on top of my external monitor
  • AirPods headset for audio input
  • Camtasia for video editing
  • A 13-inch MacBook pro with a M1 chip and 16GB of ram
  • Otter.ai for transcription

Total time to record, edit, process, and post: 15 minutes

Transcript: (by otter.ai, not proofed, but looks pretty good)

All right, let’s talk about a quick and easy method that any lawyer can create compelling content for their law firm’s website with no planning, very little effort, and very little time:

It’s doing exactly what I’m doing. Talking to a video camera.

As a lawyer, you spend a lot of time talking with clients and potential clients answering common questions, and you’ll start to see patterns emerge. And what I like to tell LawLytics members when we talk about creating content is to think about the content that you put on your law firm’s website as a conversation that you’re having with a client or potential client. What questions are they asking? What language are they using? How are you answering those questions? How are you making a personal connection with them? How are you making them feel comfortable?

You can do exactly the same thing through your website using a video camera. And it really doesn’t take much time.

So what I do here is I’ve got a Logitech camera on top of my monitor is connected to my MacBook Pro, and using Apple AirPods. I simply turn on the video, I record it, I put it in a program called Camtasia (but you could use any other video editor). It takes me a couple of minutes afterward to throw in a title, the LawLytics logo, and my name. Then takes a couple more minutes for me to render it as a video that I can then drag and drop into YouTube, or into any other video player online. It can also easily be dropped directly into the LawLytics Media Library.

So if you’re a LawLytics member, boom — you just have a two-minute conversation with your video camera about something that you know your clients and potential clients are thinking about, and you’ve made a personal connection.

Now, it can get even better than that: You can throw it into a transcription service (I like to use otter.ai). You throw it in, it spits out a rough transcript, you edit it for accuracy, and then you can copy and paste it into your blog with LawLytics. It’s simply a matter of copying it, pasting it, and publishing it. And there you go. You’ve got an article that is rich with a personal connection and information. It’s not something that any marketer could create for you because you’ve created an emotional connection as well as an intellectual connection with your clients and your potential clients.

About The Author

Attorney Dan Jaffe previously built successful small law practices in WA and AZ. He currently serves as the CEO of LawLytics.

Other posts by Dan.