
Dan's Blog Posts

Attorney Dan Jaffe is the CEO of LawLytics. This is his blog.

Feature Announcement: LawLytics Content Generator

Video Transcript: Hey there, Dan Jaffe, CEO, and founder of LawLytics. And I've got some exciting news to share with you. If you logged in today to your LawLytics account, and you notice something new, it's been a long time coming. You're going to see the content...

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A Conversation With Dimitri Raziev of Kolleno

In this podcast, Dimitri Raziev of Kolleno talks about the problems that lawyers face when it comes to collecting from clients and how he and his team are making a painful process easier and more lucrative.

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The Single Biggest Factor for a Successful Solo Law Practice

December 29, 2021 To solo or not to solo? That is the question weighing on the minds and hearts of tens of thousands of attorneys. This existential question gets amplified around the new year. And, as we begin 2022, in the midst of a seemingly interminable pandemic...

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A Conversation With Jazz Hampton, Attorney and CEO of Turnsignl

Jazz walked away from his big firm job where he was the Director of Diversity and Inclusion, and also gave up a law school professorship for the uncertainty of founding a legal tech startup along with two friends. The idea for Turnsignl came out of their desire to help solve the problem of racial targeting, police abuse and violence in law enforcement traffic stops. They soon discovered that there is a much broader application of their technology, which puts a live lawyer in the passenger seat during traffic stops.

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June and July 2021 SEO Updates: Hype vs. Reality

I’m here to tell you that I have never once seen attorneys (who follow Google Webmaster Guidelines and that have the proper infrastructure to their site) suffer from a Google algorithm update. It just doesn’t happen if you’re doing the fundamentals.

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A Conversation With Dan Lear from Gravity Legal Payments

Yesterday, I sat down with Attorney Dan Lear of Gravity Legal, a payment solutions provider for law firms. Our conversation mostly focused on legal payments and legal tech — past, present, and future. I really enjoyed this conversation with Dan, and I hope that you will, too.

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A Quick, Easy Content Creation Idea For Lawyers

In this video blog post I share a quick and easy way that attorneys can use video, talk about what they already know and talk with clients about regularly, and create content that is more effective than any content that a marketing agency could create for them in short order.

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Using Your Law Firm’s Website for Client Expectation Management

5.24.2021 – I recorded this short video blog post about using your law firm’s website to help you deliver and enforce expectation management at scale. It’s something that will make your life as a solo practitioner or small law firm owner easier — and your clients will appreciate it, too.

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A Conversation With Dan Johnson, Co-Founder of Jurorsearch

On May 21, 2021 I sat down for a conversation with Attorney Dan Johnson, Co-Founder of Jurorsearch, which is a legal technology startup taking on the massive problem of jury trials. Specifically, they are working on software that makes voir dire easier and more effective for trial lawyers, jury consultants, judges and jurors.

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How Your Law Firm’s Website Can Be Sold As An Asset When You’re Done Practicing Law

If you’re an attorney looking to build value that you can harvest, and assets that another attorney will be grateful to own, when it’s time to retire or otherwise move on from the daily practice of law, I hope that this video blog post helps spark ideas about how you can use your firm’s website to simultaneously create revenue for your practice today, and build transferrable equity to you or your family can harvest down the road.

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A Conversation With Emily LaRusch, Founder and CEO of Back Office Betties

Yesterday afternoon I sat down for a conversation with Emily LaRusch, CEO of Back Office Betties. Our conversation ranges from Emily’s origin story, where she tried to help her brother secure a divorce attorney and experienced the wrong (and unfortunately all-too-common) way that some small law firms answer their phones and treat potential clients. We talk about her unique branding, remote culture (which she was doing well before Covid), leadership styles, and even delve into The Secret, Think And Grow Rich, and meditation. We also talk about intake technologies including Clio Grow and Acuity.

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