In this video blog post, I talk about how LawLytics members used the platform to pivot quickly during COVID, and how technology that empowers small firms and solos to pivot on a dime will be even more important in the tech-accelerated, post-COVID world.
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When COVID hit my team, I watched and worked with hundreds (if not well over a thousand) of our LawLytics members as they quickly pivoted from the pre-COVID status quo to work very effectively in a digital-first situation. In this new world, their practices could not only survive and thrive for them, but could easily provide the type of information and services that their clients and potential clients required of them during that very difficult time of adjustment.
We were really fortunate to be in the position as a technology company to guide attorneys at the forefront of the tech adoption cycle. We helped these attorneys take control of how they ran the mechanics and the practice part of their law business, and also how they ran the external communication. And we watched as, for most attorneys, their law firm’s website became their virtual office because there were no longer meetings in person.
Now, fortunately, we’re getting back to normal. People are starting to meet again in person. Courts have opened up. Life is getting back to normal. But one thing is certain: life will never be back to the pre-COVID normal in terms of technology, tech adoption by attorneys, and most importantly, what your clients and potential clients expect of you. Clients and potential clients have new expectations regarding the technologies that you use, the speed with which you deploy the technology, and how they can interact with it.
One of the things that I think is really special about LawLytics compared to other website systems (and compared to legal marketing agencies) is that when you’re a law firm owner or a solo practitioner, LawLytics puts you in control. And what that means is that you can pivot whenever you need to pivot, and do so very quickly. For example, we noticed during COVID that many of our members quickly went from doing things that were completely dependent on people being out in the physical world (for example, auto accidents or DUIs) to doing something that really meshed well with the time and the mentality of people.
We saw a lot of attorneys that were more consumer-facing, and in more reactive practice areas such as DUI or criminal defense or personal injury, they pivoted and start doing transactional practices. And a lot of them ended up doing estate planning.
The fact is, when you’re with LawLytics, you can decide to do that overnight. You can wake up at 2 am and decide, “Tomorrow, I want to start taking estate planning matters.” Or, “Tomorrow, I want to be open for corporate formations.” You can quickly create a page, you can quickly put that up on your website, and you’re open for business. You can instantly create a form specific to intake for that new practice area.
And when it comes time to reevaluate, it’s easy to make those changes, too. Let’s say you are back in court and you’d rather be in court, doing criminal defense, and you no longer care to take estate planning matters. Well, it’s with a simple click that you hide your estate planning information from your web visitors. And it’s completely gone from Google. And it’s completely gone from your website.
And so, as we go forward into this new normal, one thing is certain: You’re going to need to pivot again. And you’re going to need to do that at a time where maybe you least expect it. So, it’s like other tech aspects of your practice: practice management, billing and accounting, document assembly, and communication through mechanisms such as Zoom, or Google meet, or Skype.
Those things are the new norm. And with LawLytics, you have the ability to have a tech-driven practice that you, as the law firm owner, are in control of. So when you have that 2 am idea, when you have that moment where you realize I need to be doing something else to ensure that I survive, or that I thrive, or even, I’ve got a great new idea that I think is going to work with LawLytics, you have the ability to execute on that immediately without having to wait on a marketing person. You don’t have to go through any tech development. You don’t have to depend on anybody other than yourself.
You simply log in, it’s there, you do it, and we’re here to support you. So if you want to make sure that you are ahead of the curve — and that you stay there technologically — I highly recommend that you check out a demo of LawLytics. It’s an interactive 20-minute process where you’ll be in control. You’ll see what it’s like to work within the LawLytics system. You’ll talk to one of our expert salespeople who will guide you through and help you understand how it might fit into your practice and help you understand whether it’s a good fit for you and whether you’re a good fit for it.
So, attorney to attorney, I hope to see you there. I wish you all the best in your practice. And I hope that as technology and as our practices continue to evolve, you’ll have the tools, the training, and the support you need to continue to build a fulfilling practice, a fulfilling business, and a fulfilling life within the law.