Blog posts can help you capture additional website traffic, and you can create blog posts with LawLytics in just a few clicks. Here’s what you need to know about creating blog posts with LawLytics.
Why should I add blog posts to my website?
Blog posts are a great way to capture a variety of search terms that might otherwise not be addressed in your evergreen pages.
While the evergreen pages you create should contain information that will be relevant for a long time, blog posts tend to cover more immediate topics. You might choose to add blogs as timely news story related to your practice area(s) come up — and that can include blogging about events in other jurisdictions, as well.
For more on writing evergreen pages and blog posts, read “When to Write Evergreen Pages and Blog Posts for Your Law Firm’s Website.”
How do I create blog posts using LawLytics?
Creating a new blog post with LawLytics is easy. First, log into your LawLytics account and click the “New Blog Post” button on the dashboard.
Add your content to the text editor.
Use the content toolbar to format your text with headings, text styles, bulleted lists, and more.
You can choose to organize your blog posts by topic..
…add images to your blog post…
…announce your blog posts to social media, and more.
When you’re ready to publish your blog post to your LawLytics website, simply click the green “Publish” button. You can also save your post as a draft.
Learn more about creating blog posts with LawLytics
Well-crafted blog posts can help potential clients find you online and drive more qualified business to your firm. To learn more about how to create blog posts that engage potential clients, see our Basic Blogging Clinic webinar.