Developing a Brand Personality for Your Firm

Developing a Brand Personality for Your Firm

Many solo attorneys and small law firms fail to brand themselves. However, in today’s saturated legal market, branding is important. Without a strong brand personality, your website will have to work harder to evoke emotions of trust and confidence for your potential...
Developing Content for Practice Area Pages

Developing Content for Practice Area Pages

One of the best ways to build a strong foundation for your web presence is to create practice area pages. With LawLytics, it’s now faster and easier than ever. In this episode of the Law Firm Marketing Decoded Podcast we discuss what makes a strong practice area...
How to Get Started with Google Business Profile

How to Get Started with Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile — previously known as Google My Business — is free business listing resource for you to manage your online presence on Google Search and Google Maps. Creating a Google Business Profile is a great way to help potential clients find...
Pros and Cons of Adding Video to Your Website

Pros and Cons of Adding Video to Your Website

The written content on your website is always – and should always be – the foundation of your website: It’s what helps potential clients find you from the search engines and helps them understand more about their legal issues. But videos can be a great addition...

The Best Places for Your Web Address to Appear

Your website is the foundation of your online marketing efforts. But have you considered all the places where your website address could or should be featured? In this episode of the Law Firm Marketing Decoded Podcast, we discuss the benefits of listing your...

Your Website: How It Powers Your Law Firm’s Growth

Law firm websites can be powerful marketing tools – but their value can go beyond marketing when they’re used strategically. Your website can help you run your practice more efficiently, eliminate the overhead costs associated with having a physical office, and even...

Getting Your Website to the Top of Google

Many attorneys want to improve their law firm website’s rankings in search and, as a byproduct, drive more business to their firms. In this episode of the Law Firm Marketing Decoded Podcast, we demystify Google for lawyers: we explain how Google works, what it...
How to Boost Efficiency at Your Law Firm

How to Boost Efficiency at Your Law Firm

Efficiency is an important topic for law firms. From marketing to intake to practice management, there are many areas where attorneys can improve their firm’s efficiency. In this episode of the Law Firm Marketing Decoded Podcast, we’re joined by Bre...

How to Seamlessly Transition to a Virtual Law Firm

There are a number of potential benefits to taking your firm virtual: you can reduce your overhead, develop greater flexibility, and even provide a better client experience. However, to make the transition from a brick-and-mortar firm to a virtual one, you’ll...

3 Steps to Create Engaging Practice Area Pages

When web visitors read your practice area pages, they’re looking for easy-to-consume information about their problem, your firm, and a potential solution. Here are three ways to create more engaging practice area pages that build trust and build your business. Make...

3 Ways to Use Storytelling on Your Website

Stories define our shared experiences.  As a result, using your website to brand and market your law firm through storytelling can be highly effective. The story of who you are, what you offer, and how you help your clients is a better way to engage potential clients...