
How to Nest & Reorder Pages in Your Navigation With LawLytics

by Feb 10, 2019

As your law firm’s website grows and evolves, you’ll want technology that makes it simple to organize and rearrange pages. LawLytics allows you to change the order of your pages — and nest pages — with drag-and-drop ease.

Why should you nest/reorder pages in your navigation?

Nesting pages in your top-level navigation makes it easier for potential clients to find the relevant information that they need as you add more content and pages to your site.

If your law firm’s navigation is unclear, potential clients will have a hard time finding other information they need or that may be of interest to them. And, if that’s the case, they’re likely to leave your site and go elsewhere to find the information they’re looking for.

How to nest and reorder pages with LawLytics

From the Publish > Sites menu, you’ll see the “Nav Pages” column. This column controls all of the pages that are featured in your top-level navigation.

The way the nav pages are displayed from top to bottom is how your pages will be displayed from left to right in your website’s navigation.

Nested pages are indicated by a right indent. For example, here we see that the top-level navigation item “About” contains three nested pages underneath it: Attorneys, Case Results, and Locations.

Here’s what those nested pages look like on a LawLytics site:

To reorder these pages, simply click on the page you’d like to change in the Nav Pages column, and drag and drop it to your preferred location.

You can also nest pages on a deeper level. An example of nested pages that are three levels deep might be something like this:

In this example, we see a top-level item called “Practice Areas” and three sub-topics underneath it: Criminal Defense, Family Law, and Business Law.

When you start a new law firm website, you may only have a few main pages like these. However, as your content grows, you’ll likely want to nest items under main topics. For example, under a criminal defense main page, relevant nested pages could include topics such as DUI, assault, and shoplifting.

Learn more about nesting pages and navigation structure

Your website’s navigation and structure is an important part of your potential and existing client’s experience. To learn more about nesting pages and navigation, see our blog post, “How Should I Structure My Law Firm Website’s Navigation?

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