In an earlier piece in this series, we discussed how to create a content plan that realistically accounts for the needs of your potential clients and how they use the internet to research their case or matter — and how they find attorneys online.
But, just like a plan to go to the gym more often only improves your fitness if you go to the gym, content marketing only works if you continue writing content.
In this post, we’ll show you what to do to execute your content plan.
Your law firm’s content plan is only as good as your follow-through
Planning and executing are two different things. Planning is generally a prerequisite of good execution, which is one of the reasons it’s so important and valuable to plan your content. However, planning means little if you don’t actually follow the plan through to completion.
If you’re going to write your own law firm website content, it’s important to make it a habit. Make a habit of blocking off thirty minutes to an hour each day to contribute to your content plan; shut your office door, set your phone to “Do Not Disturb” mode. Create a distraction-free environment for yourself to write.
If you’ve hired someone else to write for you, it’s important to hold them accountable. (Another reason why having a plan that outlines responsibilities and accountabilities is so valuable.)
If you’ve created a schedule with assigned content tasks and dates, hold yourself to them. Consider doing any research required in advance before you sit down to write so that you’re devoting your writing time solely to writing.
Do a quick content assessment before you publish to your law firm’s website
As you finish each piece, keep in mind that there are a few things to consider that can take your law firm website content from good to great. Remember: Google values high-quality website content because that’s what Google users want and need.
When you’re done writing, do a quick assessment of your content’s potential value:
Does your content teach your potential clients something new? Does it solve a problem or explain a process? Would a potential client walk away from this piece understanding more about their case or matter?
Is your content readable by potential clients? Does it have a useful title and descriptive headers? Does it make use of short paragraphs and bullets and/or numbered lists, when needed? Is it free from careless spelling or grammar errors?
Will your potential clients understand this content? Is this content written for your target audience? Does it provide appropriate context for layman readers? If legalese is used, are the terms explained clearly? Does the content respect the audience’s reading level and level of expertise?
Does this content make your potential clients want to take action? Are you providing clear calls-to-action? Are you providing internal links to related topics and subjects?
Would your potential clients want to share this content? When you read this piece, is it likely that someone would want to bookmark it or share it with a friend?
If you’re unsure about any of these, go back to your piece and see where you can improve it to provide additional value to your readership.
Remain flexible as you begin your law firm website content plan and strategy
As you begin creating content for your law firm’s website, you may realize that the plan that you originally created requires a little adjustment. So long as you continue sticking to your content plan, this is fine.
At the end of each week, check in to see if you completed all of the tasks that were on your content calendar. If you did, great. If you completed most (but not all) of what’s on your agenda, decrease the original expected output of the plan slightly.
For example, you may have planned to write three new practice area pages and a blog per week, and instead, you’re finding you’re only able to complete two or three of those items. If that’s the case, your goal may simply be one or two practice area pages, and maybe a blog.
If you find that you’re not able to execute any of what’s in your plan, see if there are patterns that are keeping you from writing content. (Are you having writer’s block? Do you get phone calls when you sit down to write?) Seek to eliminate any distractions that may be getting in your way. If you’re feeling unmotivated, keep in mind that content marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. Those who see results are those who are able to stick to the plan over the long term.
Learn more about content planning for law firms
For a more detailed look at creating a content plan for your law firm’s website, see the following resources:
- Blog: How to Create an Effective Content Plan For Your Law Firm’s Website
- Podcast: 5 Ways to Write Client-Focused Law Firm Website Content
- Webinar: Law Firm Website Content Planning Clinic