May 23, 2021 – On May 21, 2021 I sat down for a conversation with Dan Johnson, CEO and Co-Founder of Jurorsearch, which is a legal technology startup taking on the massive problem of jury trials. Specifically, they are working on software that makes voir dire easier and more effective for trial lawyers, jury consultants, judges and jurors.
Many courts are still in the stone age — okay paper ago, but still — when it comes to juries, relying on in-person, written forms, carbon copies, and clunky procedures that result in a defensible record for the courts, but, frankly suck for jurors and deprive lawyers and litigants of the best chance of discovering the truth about, and biases of, potential jurors.
Dan and I discuss a range of topics surrounding juries and jury technology, as well as his background as a lobbyist and lawyer.
Jurorsearch offers a free trial (literally, you can use their software, for free, for a trial). In addition, Dan has generously offered to provide all LawLytics members with a 10% discount off both the per-trial and annual prices.
This is a huge problem, in a huge market. And Dan is daring to ask the question of does it really have to be this way? What if getting that jury summons wasn’t such a pain? What if jurors weren’t prodded like cattle through voir dire? What if there was better insight into each potential juror? What if it were easier to track? What if it were easier to combine data? What it there was a reliable automated way to predict who would end up in the box, and who opposing counsel is likely to strike?
I hope every lawyer will get as much out of the conversation with Dan as I did, and I’m here cheering Dan and Jurorsearch on, and like everybody who could find a jury summons in my mailbox any day, I’m hoping for a better tomorrow.