
Improve Your Client Conversion Rate With These 4 Tactics

by May 19, 2022

Your website is your best salesperson and most reliable employee– it works 24/7/365 to drive business to your law firm without a single complaint or objection. So, what does your website need to operate to its fullest potential? 

Maximize the conversion power of your website with these four tactics:

User experience

Successful law firm websites are familiar, approachable, and actionable. Potential clients are likely to have found your firm’s website because they are dealing with an important legal issue. Your website design needs to work to guide them on what steps, if any, they should take. 

A successful user experience includes elements such as:

  • Conventional navigation: We recommend a “three-click” test to determine if your navigation is easy to use.
  • Good information architecture: Establish pillars of content (such as practice areas) that you can expand on with subtopics. 
  • Plain language: Apply language that is easy to understand without a legal background, provide plenty of explanations and examples, and avoid legal jargon.
  • Calls-to-action: These include click-to-call numbers and accessible contact forms that make it simple for potential clients to contact you.

The more information and resources your website provides, the more value your visitors perceive from your website and the more knowledgeable you look as an attorney. Potential clients aren’t visiting your website for entertainment, so there’s no need for unnecessary design elements to engage them with your content.

Effective website content

To convert more website visitors into paying clients, start with the story you’re telling on your website. When you’ve attracted your ideal client, guide them to the services you provide that match their legal issue. In addition, provide them with direct examples of the value you provide and how you can help them with their legal issues.

Speak directly to the client by applying the law to them rather than simply stating the law. Outline specific scenarios and fact patterns for the range of legal issues that bring the most profit to your firm. Your potential clients will quickly understand the context of their legal issue and how you have the ability and expertise to help them with their specific situation.

Social proof

Client testimonials are one of the most effective ways to convert more visitors through your website. It has become increasingly common for consumers to vet the reviews of a business before making the decision to pursue their services. Having good, diverse reviews can work to convert more web visitors for your firm.

Elements of a good client testimonial include:

  • Specific details
  • Appropriate length (around 1 paragraph)
  • Mentions you or your staff by name
  • Includes a recommendation by the author 

You can request, receive, edit, and publish client testimonials directly from the LawLytics platform in just a few, quick steps. 

Case results

Well-written case results can display the care and enthusiasm you have for your clients and are a powerful marketing tool. Potential clients researching their legal issue will use your case results to visualize what you can do for them and feel confident in their decision to hire you.

Effective case results have:

  • A story arc
  • Examples of what the firm did to earn the result
  • A protagonist that is not the attorney (the client, for example)
  • The odds that the client and firm were up against
  • Examples of how you helped the client overcome their struggle
  • Rhetoric on how justice was served, order was restored or loss was prevented
  • Personification of the client that shows the law firm cares

Creating, editing, and publishing case results to your website is easy to do on the LawLytics platform. You can create new case results in seconds from the LawLytics control panel and decide the order in which they appear.

How LawLytics can help improve your conversion rate

Increasing your firm’s conversion rate through your firm’s website is easy to do with theLawLytics platform. We’ll show you how to get the most out of your website to drive more and better aligned potential clients to your firm. If you’d like to learn more about using LawLytics for your firm, schedule a free, 20-minute interactive demo.

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