by Dan Jaffe | May 24, 2021 | Dan, Solo Series
5.24.2021 – I recorded this short video blog post about using your law firm’s website to help you deliver and enforce expectation management at scale. It’s something that will make your life as a solo practitioner or small law firm owner easier...
by Dan Jaffe | May 20, 2021 | Dan, Solo Series
May 20, 2021 – I recorded this video blog post after seeing (what feels like) the hundredth ad aimed at attorneys who think, act, or use tools more like a CEO. I think the idea is solid. It got me thinking about the differences in my thinking when I was a small...
by Dan Jaffe | May 18, 2021 | Dan, Solo Series
Why do some law firms have or need multiple websites instead of just one? In this video blog post, I answer that question. For most small firms, a single website is all they will ever need. However, the following are legitimate reasons to consider having more than...
by Dan Jaffe | May 17, 2021 | Dan, Solo Series
In this video blog post I talk about the conversations that I have frequently had with lawyers who are thinking about starting their own law firms. These conversations happen with lawyers with a wide range of experience, from just out of law school, to leaving medium...
by Dan Jaffe | May 17, 2021 | Dan, Solo Series
Today I’m concluding my story about hiring my first law firm employees with the final part of this chapter… hiring my fiancée. I wrote the last chapter over a week ago, and talked about hiring my first true legal assistant after making the mistake of altering a job to...
by Dan Jaffe | May 7, 2021 | Dan, Solo Series
Today I’m going to pause my story about hiring my first law firm employees to address something unexpected. On Wednesday, I wrote something that turned out to touch more of a nerve (and was more controversial) than I had imagined or intended. In a blog post about my...