For most small law firms, a single website will satisfy your digital marketing needs. In some cases, however, it can be a strategic marketing decision to have multiple websites. Whether you’re looking to target specific clientele, gain traction for a particular legal...
For the typical solo attorney or small law firm, what you need to have a successful law firm website is relatively simple and straightforward. However, it can be difficult to cut through the noise of greedy marketing agencies trying to sell you “quick fixes” or the...
In order to have an effective online presence for your law firm, you need to first understand what your website needs to be successful. Attorneys who are new to digital marketing can be vulnerable to predatory marketing agencies who tend to overcomplicate website...
In today’s digital age of running a practice, a law firm’s website needs to be more than just a website in order to be effective. Today, potential clients expect to learn more about your firm, their legal issue, and potential solutions all within your...
Google Analytics (GA4) offers a lot of data, and you get it all for “free” simply by creating an account. That said, to sort through all these reports and find what you need is intimidating even for experienced marketers. GA4 is saturated with potential data points...
Marketing agencies frequently tout hits, clicks, or impressions as the ultimate indicators of marketing success. However, solo attorneys and small law firms typically need a more specialized marketing approach that doesn’t fit the standard digital marketing...