Are you in the process of starting or rebranding a law firm? The decision of what to name a law firm is something that can have far-reaching impact on the attorney or attorneys in the firm. It can impact everything from the obvious marketing, to the less obvious...
Introduction to Typography for Lawyers When you use LawLytics for your law firm website, you don’t need to worry about typography because we curate the best fonts and font-pairings for you, while giving plenty of style choices and combinations to make your law...
Introduction to Website Colors for Lawyers When you use LawLytics for your law firm website, you don’t need to worry about color selection because we curate the best colors and color combinations for you. We’ve done the research and the work to ensure that your...
What’s in a logo? A great law firm logo can provide the nucleus for all the marketing materials a company uses to brand itself beyond its competitors. So what is a logo? A logo is a symbol or other design adopted by an organization to identify its products. When...
What’s Your (Law Firm’s) Line? Your law firm’s tag line needs to be compelling and memorable. There are lessons to be gleaned from well-known brand taglines outside the legal industry, as well as within. What your tag line needs to express depends on the type of...
SWOT For Lawyers A SWOT analysis is a useful tool to help you plan for your marketing. SWOT is an acronym and here’s what it stands for: Strengths: characteristics of your small law firm that give it an advantage over others Weaknesses: are characteristics that place...
You’ve heard the online marketing chant. Content is king. But a law firm’s online content is worthless if it’s not tailored for the intended audience. I’m sure you’ve seen it before: a well-designed website with content that doesn’t actually provide value...
Once your law firm understands where it is currently positioned in the marketplace, and has articulated its Unique Selling Proposition, it always a good idea to agree upon what your next round of marketing is aimed at achieving. This will inform which media you choose...
Got enough time to spare to read this article? I’ll wait while you check your pocket calendar… That took a while. You had to search for today through pages and pages, didn’t you? Well, you could have just left a Google Calendar tab open in your browser and been...
Editorial Note: Here at LawLytics, we love other technologies that can make everyone’s life easier. In this post Jake reviews an online billing service that makes getting the money you deserve easier. The Internet. It’s something you can’t not trip over these days....
Editorial Note: Here at LawLytics, we love other technologies that can make everyone’s life easier. In this post Jake reviews an online profile manager that can make your life and other’s lives easier. Let’s face it, there are too many logins on the...